Tulip Threads is an independent retailer that offers high-quality replicas of products from various well-known brands. We wish to clarify that Tulip Threads does not have any legal rights, ownership, or claims to the trademarks, brand names, logos, or intellectual property of the original brands featured on our website or in our products.
The brand names and logos referenced in our product descriptions and images are solely used for descriptive purposes, intended to provide our customers with a clear understanding of the style and design inspiration behind the replicas we offer. We are not affiliated with, endorsed by, or authorized by any of the original brands.
Our products are not official items from these brands but rather inspired reproductions made independently by Tulip Threads. Customers should understand that our replicas are designed for those who appreciate the aesthetic of popular brands but at a more accessible price point.
By purchasing from Tulip Threads, you acknowledge and accept that these products are replicas, and no claim is made regarding the authenticity of the brand name, design, or trademark. All rights to the original brands remain the sole property of their respective owners.